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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## install-sgmlcatalog : Debian SGML catalog management tool
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Copyright (c) 1997 Christian Schwarz
- ## Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Ardo van Rangelrooij
- ##
- ## This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2
- ## or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use Getopt::Long qw( &GetOptions );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $0 =~ m|[^/]+$|;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $name = $&;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use vars qw( $package );
- use vars qw( $quiet );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Getopt::Long::Configure( 'no_ignore_case' );
- if ( ! GetOptions(
- 'quiet' => \$quiet,
- 'remove=s' => \$package,
- )
- )
- {
- &usage();
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! defined( $package ) )
- {
- &usage();
- exit -1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- &remove( $package );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- exit 0;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub remove
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $package = $_[0];
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $catalog = '/etc/sgml/transitional.cat';
- my $backup = '/etc/sgml/transitional.cat.old';
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- return if ( ! -f $catalog );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- my $bottom_marker = '-- END SGML CATALOG ENTRY FOR PACKAGE';
- my $eol_marker = '--';
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- my @data;
- ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
- open( CATALOG, '<', $catalog )
- or &error( "cannot open SGML catalog $catalog for reading: $!" );
- ## -------------------------------------------------------------------
- while ( <CATALOG> )
- {
- chop;
- if ( /$top_marker $package $eol_marker/o )
- {
- if ( $data[ $#data ] =~ /^\s*/o )
- {
- pop( @data );
- }
- while ( !/$bottom_marker $package $eol_marker/o )
- {
- if ( not ($_ = <CATALOG>) )
- {
- &error( "cannot find bottom marker for package $package:\n $bottom_marker $package $eol_marker\nplease remove the entry for $package manually" );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- push( @data, $_ );
- }
- }
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- close( CATALOG )
- or &error( "cannot close SGML catalog $catalog: $!" );
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( -f $catalog )
- {
- if ( -f $backup )
- {
- unlink( $backup )
- or &error( "cannot remove backup of catalog $backup: $!" );
- }
- rename( $catalog, $backup )
- or &error( "cannot rename $catalog to $backup: $!" );
- }
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- open( CATALOG, '>', $catalog )
- or &error( "cannot open SGML catalog $catalog for writing: $!" );
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- for ( @data )
- {
- print CATALOG "$_\n";
- }
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- close( CATALOG )
- or &error( "cannot close SGML catalog $catalog: $!" );
- } ## remove
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub usage
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- print STDERR <<END;
- Usage:
- $name --remove package
- } ## usage
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub error
- {
- ## ------------------------------------------------------------------
- die "$name: error: $_[0]\n";
- } ## error
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------